Thursday, November 13, 2014

Just a Modern-Day Pioneer

Summer is coming to an end and I can start to feel the changes. The above picture is from our 5 day peregrination through the Uintas. We visited many beautiful places while the weather was fair, but this one by far, was my favorite. The days were perfect, the air unpolluted, and the nights cold. We spent our time fishing, listening to thoughts, sitting around campfires, and imagining a different time in the same place. The feeling to stay is always so strong. It's so much fun to throw away time counting stars...

Anyway, I've spoken about the travels of my family, but haven't actually spoke of my family yet (Ready-set-go!). My partner (Megan) of over 3 years sent for me a year after she moved out here and scoped things out. I am so thankful to have found such a strong, beautiful creature (she's unworldly!). Not to mention intelligent...She snowboards professionally and still finds the time to be a rocket scientist for a big aerospace company. She is an amputee and a total inspiration to everyone she encounters, including me. We are the proud parents of two fur babies (I promise to post photos), Cappy (poodle) and Sirius (Yes, from Harry Potter, cat). We both came from the south, so I am so grateful for the pets. I am obligated to power through cold, winter morning walks and afternoon hikes thanks to them. Megan on the other hand, LOVES the cold weather. Like fire and ice...

Leaving Tennessee behind was extremely difficult not only because of the food and abundance of culture, but because I had to leave most of my family behind. I am great at meeting new friends, in love with Utah's geography, but my mind is still roaming across the rolling hills of my homeland. They say home is where the heart is...Megan is originally from Alabama and this is her first time living outside of Huntsville. I've lived in the country and later moved to a big city. You never know what you're missing until it's gone holds true for sure. Also, as an aspiring homesteader, the east coast just seems more ideal.