Saturday, August 15, 2015

150+ for a Bottled-water and Conversation

Yes. I'm talking consultation fees. Now that I've established I actually have a case, I've been looking diligently for an attorney. Sadly, I must state the latter has been more difficult. In a world where justice costs an exorbitant amount of money payable only by society's most affluent, it's needless to say I'm the kind of girl on a poverty budget. However, before all assumptions, conclusions, and other entries are submitted, understand this: I am an unmarried, college graduate without children and the only debt I have is a car payment. I work both a full time and part time job while attempting to complete and LSAT preparatory course at night.

Majority of my life seems to be struggle. Oftentimes, I fear life will be nothing but struggle and strife. Hope seems such a desolate thing that I've decided to give it up: Time to get sober. How can something intangible hurt so bad? My one life goal that would give meaning to my existence, and fulfill me seems so unobtainable. There is a deep void I am desperate to fill. I've attempted so many alternative routes, police academy being one of them. Due to the backlash and hostility following this pursuit, this is a career path that no longer interests me in the state of Utah. It would be impossible to trust any of the officers I would have to consider colleagues and no one can tell me that submitting over 54 applications in this state alone is simply just part of the initiation process. Something is very wrong with this picture and I do not intent to take this lying down. I won't stop until justice prevails. 

This will not be swept underneath the rug. Unfortunately, Utah has an extremely small legal community and I'm finding extremely difficult to find someone to take this case on contingency.