Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A Letter to Todd Weiller R-Woods Cross

This image was put in place of the one depicting an adult male Utahan wearing a shirt that reads, "Porn Kills Love". I didn't want to risk any kind of legal backlash...enjoy.

I'm assuming you've never had sex before, and that your four children are the benevolent products of immaculate conception. Declaring pornography a "public health crisis" not only undervalues the public's right to choose and our First Amendment Rights, but it also marginalizes the importance of sex and relationships. If we all want to be adults about this, your futile attempts to censor the internet isn't about sex or children at all. It's all about control of information being received by the population. I don't know if the words sex and children in the same sentence elicits the same amount of vomit in the back of your throat as it does mine, but we all know Utah is infamous for using children as human shields for bigotry.

I hear a lot of politicians in this state yelling, "Protect our children!", yet the age of consent here is 16 for women. And you still have the audacity to say porn is normalizing violence and abuse against women? Not to mention there are only 50 states, and we are #50 in education spending! I'm sure people didn't think it could get any worse, oh but it does: Utah is also #1 in the nation for child sex abuse. So yes, if this is the state's idea of "children are the future", as the song goes, "teach them well and let them lead the way". Spend the least amount of money on their education as possible. It seems to equate to a straight from school to porn-star pipeline. Perhaps the slogan for an upcoming campaign I'm sure.

Aside from children, it's also affecting adults which are supposed to serve as the pillars of our society. We are #1 for prescription drug abuse as well. This state continues to put up statistics completely contradictory of the things the state's morality police claim to be fighting. So yes, if you want to declare a war on child pornography, by all means, PLEASE GET CHILD PORN AND PEDOPHILES OFF THE STREETS. I hope that's at least one thing we can agree on. The thing is, instead of using this as an opportunity to do some societal good, you're bludgeoning your way through an army of law abiding adults wishing to watch materials involving two (or more) other consenting adults with a child strapped on to your shield arm. It's not like the average person invites all of their friends over to watch a flick, or as you'd like to believe, McDonald's needs to put blocks on its wifi because kids are using the free internet to look at porn. Pardon my language, but who the f#*! goes to McDonald's to look at porn? Who on Earth do you know personally who has done this?!

And the porn industry isn't exactly innocent either. Have you all ever thought about advocating for the right of other men and women who wish to have sex for money and profit for themselves with the absence of a studio set, microphones, bright lights, and the guarantee of being exploited by a business? Some people would call these individuals prostitutes or harlots, so does this make the industry pimps? However, since you guys are paying two people instead of one person for sex, it's different. I guess we're all being exploited, however, the law seems to work in favor of those holding the coin purse (pun intended), so this way, there's also a loophole.