Sunday, December 3, 2023

San Diego Police Brutality, Harassment, and Living with PTSD

The City of San Diego and the San Diego Police Department have a well-documented history of discrimination against me. I have been physically assaulted by SDPD twice without impunity, had two unlawful attempts made at having my gun rights stripped from me, harrass me by writing inactionable patking citations, and stalk me around my own neighborhood. The first assault occurred over Memorial Day weekend of 2018 when I was dragged out of my car for changing my mind about making a left turn into a tacoshop parking lot that was closing in less than 10 minutes after leaving the law library from a night of studying. The police officer wrongfully accused me of DWI, ripped me out of my vehicle, held me down by the neck, falsely imprisioned me, wrongfully impounded my vehcile, and caused a plethora of health issues ranging from PTSD, physical injuries, loss of companionship, job less, and more. The latest attack occurred on November 30, 2023 after studing at a local cafe–I came out to an illegal parking ticket for parking in a prominently marked, designated city parking spot in a residential neighborhood. I have been written over 40 tickets over the course of seven years, the most tickets I have ever received in my life, and only 4 of them have been actionable. The time consumed fighting city corruption has a SEVERE negative impacts on my work, ability to take care of myself, my family, friends, mental, and physical health.

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